Yeah, yeah

I haven’t posted in a month. But I don’t really have much to say. The cat’s still a trouble maker. My brother was out for a visit a couple of weeks ago. We had snow on the first (and second) day of Spring. I haven’t been cooking new things too much…

Of course!

Since the kiwi and I just shoveled show, it’s decided to start snowing harder 🙁 But I do like the snow.


Let’s see… Monday and Tuesday I worked ALL. DAY. LONG. Then the office manager was back and I worked a half day on Wednesday to get caught up. The cat got her stitches out yesterday and I had to shovel snow twice. It didn’t snow at all last night though. Today I will be paying …

And It’s Still Snowing

So, I now have the driveway shoveled (for all the good that does). It’s still snowing. Mark did surgery on the Roomba last night1 and it’s all charged up. It had a test run this morning and now seems to be working just fine. Shasta likes to follow it around. She doesn’t seem afraid at …

Yay for Good Neighbors!

The neighbor down the road has a 4-wheeler with a plow and has already plowed the sidewalks! Now I can enjoy my coffee before going out to shovel. Yes, it’s still snowing 🙂 🙂

End of 2007

Well, I haven’t posted in a few days. The websites had a small hiccup and I panicked, thinking they had been infected again. That solved itself by the end of the day – it turned out the host had a technical problem. Then I managed to re-link all the old photos that were on the …