Well, I haven’t posted in a few days. The websites had a small hiccup and I panicked, thinking they had been infected again. That solved itself by the end of the day – it turned out the host had a technical problem. Then I managed to re-link all the old photos that were on the genealogy site. Now I need to go through some more photos and see what I can add to the bunch.

Saturday, we went skiing – my first time in Montana! The skiing was great but I was pretty tired out. Then we came home and watched the Patriots game. Yesterday I lounged around most of the the day and then baked a bundt, pound cake to try out my new bundt pan. While I was in the midst of making cake, a friend came over bringing Chinese food and the movie Omega Man (with Charleton Heston) which Mark and I had never seen.

Oh, and before I forget, Kit is trying to raise money for the Special Olympics by jumping into freezing cold water. If you want to donate money, you can do so here, at her fundraising site. I’m hoping to be there to video the event so as to provide incentive to certain folks to donate :D.

Today, I have to work and so does Mark. There are lots of birthdays this time of year. Paul turned 71 on Thursday. Doug is 41 today and Phil, Scott and Scott have birthdays tomorrow.

2007 started out with the sale of our house in Daly City (it was a year ago at about 6:00pm that we packed up the last of things at the house) and now we’re here in Missoula. Happy New Year everyone! Let’s hope 2008 turns out better than I think it will.