Laura's Genealogy
What got me started on all of this? Well, first of all, I generally like databases and mapping things out like family trees. I also got some interesting stuff from my Dad: A diary kept by my GGG Grandmother, Elizabeth Woodford Barber and a line of decent from Mary White Rowlandson (my 9G Grandmother who wrote a book on her experience as an Indian captive) along with the Slye, Brewer and Kinne lines. After I started getting into it, my Mom provided a family history of my Great Grandfather's (Charles Summers Robinson) family put together by his daughter (my G Aunt) Jane Castellanos. Put that together with being unemployed for a few months in 1999-2000 and that's how this all got started. I started looking on the web and eventually found Don Barber and some other folks that provided me with a lot of additional info. In 2018, my cousin told me she joined the DAR so I finally did the work and joined the Daughters of the American Revolution! My patriot is William Woodford. When I joined DAR in 2018, Carol Israel helped me with the genealogy. I soon found out we were related. After I got more information, I found out our common ancester is John Case. He is our 8 x great grandfather. That makes us 9th cousins, no removals! On the Haythornthwaite side, Mark's Dad, Don Haythornthwaite, has spent some time working on his family genealogy and I connected with a fellow named Peter Haythornthwaite who has an extensive genealogy of the Haythornthwaite clan which you can find at There are two trees on this site with some redundancy around me and Mark so if you do a search for Mark, he will come up twice in the results, once under each tree. This is a photo from the Haythornthwaite reunion (click it to see the full-sized image). On the 13th October 2001, over 100 Haythornthwaites from all over the world gathered at the Spread Eagle Hotel Sawley in the Forest of Bowland. The event was organized by Peter Haythornthwaite with help from many others. An article was even published in the Dec. 2001 issue of Lancashire Life about it. Click here to view the rather large 8.2MB pdf. This photo was taken by David Haythornthwaite who runs Contact UsIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. |